“War Childhood” project was initiated by Jasminko Halilovic in 2010, when he launched a call for people to send their short answers to the question: “What was the war childhood for you?” A big response to the call was followed by two and a half year long editorial work on a book.
Long awaited book “War Childhood” was finally published in January 2013. After two and a half years of work on the project, the ultimate aim was achieved – illustrated book on 328 pages brings stories of generations that grew up during the war.
This widely supported project caught the public’s attention with its rather unique concept: to research and present experience of children from Sarajevo with mosaic of short stories. More than a 1000 of short recollections of people from all over the world found their place in the book.
The book has three parts. The first comprises introductory texts on Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, the siege of Sarajevo, and the project. The second, main section of the book is a mosaic of the short recollections gathered during implementation of the project. The third section has a visual focus, bringing together keepsakes: photographs, drawings, diary entries, stories, letters, etc.
The book has been presented in over 10 countries and translated to six languages: English, Polish, German, French, Italian and Japanese. Japanese translation was published in Japan by Shueisha Inc.
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