This activity uses 2 drawings from the war in Ukraine as a tool to develop empathy. Art and poetry/writing are used as a tool for reflection on other people’s experiences as well as a tool for reflection on one’s own feelings.

Main age group: 15-18

Time needed: 2 x 45-minute periods


  • By examining items and images created by children from war zones, this activity aims to help high school students develop a better understanding of the experiences and challenges faced by
    children living in conflict situations. Through this process, students will be encouraged to develop empathy for others and to see the world from different perspectives.
  • Through this activity, students will understand the importance of art in reflection, healing and self-expression.
  • To promote empathy and understanding towards children in war zones by encouraging students to explore and reflect on the experiences of others through art.

Materials needed: Paint, markers, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, paper (any other material for drawing and painting)

Download Activity Plan PDF
Themes: Being a child in war/everyday life in war, Becoming and being a refugee, Fleeing, Escape, Destruction, Rebuiliding (lives), Resilience, Children’s rights
Emotions and feelings: Empathy, Loss and Grief, Hope
Types of objects: Drawings created by children
Methodologies: Writing, Creating art