War Childhood Museum’s first permanent exhibition was opened in January 2017. Each year we rotate the exhibition to show previously unexhibited stories and personal belongings from our collection.

The permanent exhibition features 50 personal stories which reveal the meaning and sentimental value of the exhibited personal items.

For each annual rotation, the stories are selected in such a way that they highlight one or several aspects of growing up in wartime, thus showing the complexity of the war childhood experience.

While exhibition is focused on experiences of those whose childhoods have been affected by Bosnian war, it also includes a section which presents stories of children currently affected by conflicts around the world.

Besides experiencing the permanent exhibition visitors have an access to a small museum’s library that provides a space for reflection, but also for creative expression of younger visitors whose drawings and messages of peace transform the library walls into an exhibition space of their own.

Blue Bunny / Plavi Zec

Blue Bunny

I don’t remember my brother. He was only a little bit older than me. They took him from my mother’s arms and killed him. We fled from our home without a chance to lock the door behind us. Then we lived in a refugee camp. This blue bunny was the only thing that brought me joy. His color and smile brightened the gloomiest days. I donated the rest of my toys, keeping only my bunny.

Meliha, 1991

Absolutely amazing exhibition. In the same league as the Anne Frank museum in Amsterdam. Every major city in the world should have a version of this. Very important.

JOANNE H.visitor

I don’t think I can explain well enough what you experience in there. The idea is so simple and so touching. Having stories told first hand makes you feel like you knew the people and their families. Some are sad, some are devastating, some are funny and cheerful. You might shed a tear at the end. Put down what you’re doing right now and go.


From the generation born after the war,
A visit to the War Childhood Museum means a lot to me. Now, I can understand what children of my age went through during the war. My perspective on life shifts, and I am deeply grateful for everything we have today. Those children were our moms and dads.


I felt very emotional on my tour of the museum and can honestly say it's one of the best I've ever visited. I wish I could visit annually in order to see what other objects and stories form the collection. Thank you to the very kind staff.

LOWRI L.Opinion on Trip Advisor

The 2024 Rotation of the WCM’s Exhibition

Current exhibition focuses mainly on Bosnian collection, but visitors will also get to know stories carefully selected from our international collection.

“Section of the exhibition dedicated to other conflicts is currently highlighting the experiences of children in Ukraine and Palestine. Our goal is to amplify these voices and foster empathy for the countless children whose personal stories deserve to be told.”

Amina Krvavac, War Childhood Museum’s Executive Director

The stories within the WCM collection are categorized into 41 thematic classifications, each aiming to depict a different aspect of the wartime experience.

Recognizing that these narratives often encompass multiple themes, they are assigned primary, secondary, and tertiary classifications based on their content. Examples of these themes include General danger, Shelter, Loss of a loved one, Refugee experience, Clothing, Play, and more. By utilizing these classifications, the museum ensures that each exhibition provides visitors with a comprehensive exploration of the layered nature of wartime childhood.

Stories Displayed on Current Exhibition
Objects in Museum's Collection
Museum's Visitors in 2023

Interactive Installation

In 2024 we have upgraded our museum equipment and produced new content. Explore our new interactive installation stimulating all five senses to evoke childhood memories. Visit the exhibition and discover:

  • What scents take you back to the childhood? 
  • What kind of sounds evoke your childhood memories?

And much more.

Interactive installation

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Visit the Permanent Exhibition

The War Childhood Museum is located at Logavina 32 street in Sarajevo.

The museum is open every day from 11 am to 7 pm, and you can find detailed information about visiting here.

If you have any questions about our permanent exhibition, email us at visit@warchildhood.org or call us at +387 (0)33 53 55 58 (10:30 to 19:00).

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Support the War Childhood Museum

The War Childhood Museum is an independent non-for-profit museum not funded by government. In addition to institutional donors and partners, the Museum has been receiving support from dedicated individuals and friends from its very opening. Become a friend and support the WCM.