Summary: Students recognize the importance of resourcefulness, courage and resilience by seeing one of the objects from the War Childhood Museum’s collection and reading its story after which they make a joint art installation out of old farmer jeans by hand sewing on them their own symbols of courage made of farmer material and colorful threads.

Main age group: 13-15

Time needed: 1 x 45-minute periods


  • Cultivating memory culture
  • Developing craftsman skills
  • Developing creativity
  • Drawing attention to the benefit of resourcefulness in economically challenging situations
  • Strengthening emotional and psychological factors in the development of young people

Materials needed: Individual smaller pieces of jeans material, thread, scissors, glue, pictures from the magazines or internet of the patched up Levi’s 501, laptop, projector, one jeans

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Themes: Identity (who I am – emerging and changing identities), resilience, solidarity in war
Emotions and feelings: Pride, courage, connection, fulfillment
Types of objects: Clothing items
Methodologies: Active listening, Discussion, Handwork
Resources Library (materials you can use in your activities)
Safety and Wellbeing Resources *WCM’s Child Protection Policy)
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This activity plan was developed with the support of the Erasmus+ program by Mersiha Began, Vernesa Manov, Nataša Šantić, Martina Vićić Crnković (Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia).