Summary: Through discussion, reflection and creative writing activities the students will be able to recognize the consequences of armed conflict for everyday life of children and youth.

Main age group(s) for activity or activities:  13-14

Time needed: Appr. 2 x 45-minute periods


  • To develop the ability to empathize and express compassion towards children growing up in circumstances of war. The activity plan deliberately stresses the latter, since expressing compassion requires active emotional and cognitive engagement.
  • To establish multiple types of connections/commonalities between the students and their peers in different geographical and cultural settings by engaging with objects and stories through multiple sensory experiences (audio, visual).
  • To understand the value of objects and stories as learning tools that provide insight into both personal stories and the larger context of conflict, especially for children’s everyday lives.

Materials needed:  A sheet of paper for sharing stories of meaningful objects and/or activities, a sheet of paper on which Tekie’s story and object photo is printed out for every student

Download Activity Plan PDF
Themes: Being a child in war/everyday life in war, child soldiers, friends, resilience, family, becoming and being a refugee, finding safety
Emotions and Feelings: Empathy, compassion, hope, sadness, fear
Types of objects: Accessories
Methodologies: Active listening, brainstorming, group work, discussion, creative writing, group research
Resources Library (materials you can use in your activities)
Safety and Wellbeing Resources *WCM’s Child Protection Policy)
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This activity plan was developed with the support of the Erasmus+ program by Ivana Polić (Croatia).