Summary: Students will mark locations on a map, discuss cultural diversity, and analyze UNHCR statistics. They will explore several key concepts such as fear and nationalism and will reflect on causes of displacement. A personal story from the WCM’s collection will prompt discussion on empathy and discrimination. Brainstorming solutions, students suggest ways of giving support to those affected.

Main age group(s) for activity or activities: 10-12

Time needed: Appr.  60-80 minutes

Can be divided into two sessions


  • To gain an understanding of the scale of the world’s refugee / displaced persons crisis.
  • To recognize the prime causes of the crisis.
  • To humanize the individual children caught up in the crisis.
  • To recognize that even the smallest kindnesses can make a difference.

Materials needed: A set of school atlases, a large poster sized world map with the location of the school marked with a red spot, post it notes / stickies, large screw top jar labeled ‘The Kindness Jar’; 6 large sheets of paper, each with one of the following words written in the center: fear, hatred, powerlessness, ethnicity, nationalism, symbols

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Themes: Being a child in war/everyday life in war, discrimination, education and school, becoming and being a refugee, fleeing, escape, separation from family members, route to safety, life in refugee camps
Emotions and feelings: Fear, rejection, confusion, acceptance
Types of objects: Publications
Methodologies: Group research, individual work, work in pairs, discussion, map(s), small group work
Resources Library (materials you can use in your activities)
Safety and Wellbeing Resources *WCM’s Child Protection Policy)
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This activity plan was developed with the support of the Erasmus+ program by Ann Moore (United Kingdom).